Monday, 8 July 2013

Internet case study

Twitter - 
  • Who owns the site? 
Jack Dorsey/ Dick Costlo
  • Do they also own any traditional media businesses?
  • What other internet sites do they own?
  • What is its revenue?
140 million (Us Dollar)
  • What is its overall worth?
1.1 Billion (Us Dollar)
  • Research five key facts about the institution.
In the UK it’s illegal for media to report on court imposed super injunctions against their own reporting. So the public has taken things into their own hands, tweeting about confidential secret news items with the hashtag #SuperInjunction. All while the media is ordered to remain silent.
 Costolo knew Twitter was important when the US State Department called and asked them not to take the site down for maintenance, because people in Iran were using Twitter to protest against the government.
 When Mitt Romney said that he would axe Big Bird – public funding for Sesame Street – four parody Big Bird accounts launched on Twitter within 90 seconds.
 There was no way to predict that even large companies would use Twitter to engage with each other. Costolo cited the face off between Taco Bell and Old Spice, which he said was “fun, authentic, organic and amplified.”
 When NBC decided not to air the most popular events in the 2012 London Olympics live, viewers angrily went to Twitter with the hashtag #NBCfail. Many predicted that viewership would suffer, but the opposite occurred. Even with athletes and fans tweeting wins immediately after the race, 219 million viewers watched the Summer Games on NBC, marking the highest rated Olympics in 36 years.
Costolo doesn’t talk about what the company has to do. Rather he focused onwhy things are the way they are and why they need to go in a certain direction. His 700 engineers supply the what and imagine and create the reality of how it will happen.

  • Find three quotes (with references) about the institution.
  • Summarise two linked Wikipedia articles (5 bullet points each) - this is the link to the Wikipedia page for twitter, it tells the reader key information about the website from its net worth to who it's owners are. It tells the reader what twitter is. How you 'tweet' and what 'tweeting' is, it also tells the reader the amount of active users. 

  • List the key info provided on the company’s corporate homepage.
"Instantly connect to what's most important to you. Follow your friends, experts, favorite celebrities"

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